The squash and pumpkin harvest was practically miraculous. The reason? I only planted one kind, but harvested three. Mysterious plants sprung from the compost bin, like Athena from Zeus' forehead. (Well, not quite, I mean, it wasn't a fully grown warrior plant.) Moreover, the possum ate 90% of the butternut squash, which I eventually sacrificed as a decoy plant to distract the it from the other produce.
Amazing surprise squash plant that grew out of the black compost bin at the very back. For reference, that bin is a meter in diameter.A lovely recollection of early summer produce. The eggplant and tomatoes were great successes, but for the first time ever I ate only a single zucchini and two cucumbers. Better luck next year, I guess, especially if I hire the right person for the currently open position of Brigadier General in change of Garden Mammalian Defensive Strategies. I'm taking applications in the comments.