Friday, May 25, 2007

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go (I've not been as productive as the dwarves lately.)

After a mere four days of research, I've ordered a new computer. When I ran my plan by the professor administering the grant, he thought I was spending dangerously too little. I tried to reassure him that since we bought our last computer for the group, six years ago (which is pretty much the stone ages, in computer years), the type of machine we needed was tip-toppity top of the line. Now, computers are insanely big and fast, and we still use the same digital cameras as six years ago. It's like we still build the same size pyramids, but now we get to use cranes and premade bricks, and don't have to have slaves drag stone blocks over logs. But, just to make him feel a little better, I threw in a second hard drive, at 250 GB. That's a quarter Terabyte, people. Although that's so much space it feels like we'll never use that, I know that it will fill up quickly. To use another rather contrived analogy, putting video data on your computer is like packing your station wagon for camping. The car looks sooo big, and only two of you are going, but still you manage to fill the entire car and have to hold the firewood on your lap. Um, well, that's what happens when we go camping anyway.

I've been struggling to write a paper for the past two weeks. It has no official due date, which isn't helping matters. Nobody really cares if I work on this or go cook myself a terrific meal. (Which must explain why we've been eating so well lately.) I also can't figure out what my point is, exactly. That has not stood between many an academic and his paper, but, you know, it's hard to know when to stop if you're don't what you're trying to accomplish.


Anonymous said...

For you paper I suggest you take your cousin Pulisha's recent ramblings and everywhere she puts in a person, emotion or human action substitute a mathematical or physics value such as PI or the speed of light or I'm sure there are much more interesting things. I'm sure you would come up with something groundbreaking.

Anonymous said...

Next time you go camping try hiring the Tardis then you'll have no problems packing!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the advice, Uncle-nm. I'll be sure to consult you when I'm working on my thesis :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the advice, Uncle-nm. I'll be sure to consult you when I'm working on my thesis :)

alexis said...

good meals? sounds like fodder for some good posts!

stef said...

hmmm. I've never written an academic paper so I'm afeared I can't help here...;(