Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Make it so.

I am a little bit poor and a little bit crazy. This Sunday a car full of Star Trek friends will be attending a convention in New Jersey so we can see (gasp!) Patrick Stewart, a rather rare convention guest. The convention starts at 9am, however, and we are all too poor to get a hotel room. So we plan to leave DC around 4am. Add to this the fact that Saturday evening is the daylight savings time switch, and I'm looking at veeeery little sleep on Saturday night.

My plan? To wake up a half an hour earlier each day, to help prepare myself. By Saturday I should be grumpily rising at 5:30am, which is a full three hours earlier than my regular weekday wakeup time.

(For the record, the part showing that I am crazy is not that I'm attending a Star Trek convention, it's that I'll be up before the birdies.)


alexis said...

oh dear.

Pulisha said...

I can't decide which is better: your title for this post or your title for the post below. Either way, have a great time! :)

Anonymous said...

Live long a prosper - My LA partner has an 8 year old that has watched virtually every episode of Star Trek Next Gen and Deep Space Nine. We quote rules of acquisition to each other.