Friday, January 09, 2009

Cough, cough

Did I mention I was going to England for two weeks? Probably not. These trips are just as common as a run to the grocery store for me nowadays....

I have many scintillating tales from the land of tea and, well, more tea, but they will be portioned out at later dates. First I must deal with my souvenir from the trip, a whopper of a chest cold. After five long days I went to the doctor and now I'm so doped up with meds that I'm not quite sure what my name is. The doctor also offered me a letter to show my employer why I can't come to work. I declined it, and it reminded me how happy I am to be in a profession where I don't have to show up every day. In research, your job is to get the work done, and your location and distribution of working hours are your concern. It's not a bad deal.


Anonymous said...

Your name is Styling with Renee Michelle.

I thought it was the land of ale and well more ale...what a disappointment :(

stef said...

Hope you are feeling better soon! Can't wait to hear about everything...

alexis said...

hope you are feeling better soon - I could stand a copy of that pudding recipe you made for us! I have stale bread just begging for it.