Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How research gets delivered to the public

I read an online comic called PhD (Piled higher and Deeper). Most of the humor would only be enjoyed by those who are firmly entrenched in academia. But today's comic might be amusing to anyone surrounded by media. Check out the Science New Cycle.


Bernice said...

That is a great site. I laughed out loud. Thanks for sharing

unclem-nm said...

I suppose this is a backhanded way of telling me, your aged uncle, that my hat will not ward off the killer asteroid that is coming :(

I think anyone who has had any experience with the press would understand this. Once during my grad school days, I was a lowly person at NASA taking mundane requests for publicly available research information. I denied a request from an Indian Agency because they were supposed to go through a different channel. I found my action quoted as "deliberate discrimination on the part of the Nixon administration" against the Indian Government.

Anonymous said...

Uncle-nm, that is a fascinating story! I had no idea that in your youth you wielded so much power.

nat said...

That is so brilliant! It made me think immediately of Language Log, where they rant about this sort of thing on a regular basis (e.g. http://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=1186) - that made me click over to them, and lo and behold:

Anonymous said...

Nat, I'm glad to see that PhD's humor is appreciated by people in a different arena.

alexis said...

LOL - brilliant, indeed that was brilliant