Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Partying with physicists

On Saturday night, twenty physicists dressed in their finest descended upon our house. I had set the start time at 7:30 so that they'd leave by midnight. After all, I need my beauty rest. But you can't stop physicists once they start celebrating (which might be because they so rarely get a chance). It was just before two a.m. before we got the last ones out the door.

There were a few mishaps. Early in the evening we accidentally put both hosts' cell phones, along with the door bell alarm, in a separate room and closed the door. Our next set of guests waited outside in the cold for twenty minutes, fruitlessly calling, ringing the doorbell, and throwing pebbles at our window. (Sorry, R and B!)

But in the end, every last scrap of food was consumed, many bottles were emptied, and many problems were solved (see the picture below).
B and I, after drinking a few chocolate-mint martinis. (I recommend them, even though they in no way deserve the name "martini".)
So, now it back to boring old life, where I don't wear glittery dresses, but where I do spend lots of quality time with my laptop and Word documents.


alexis said...

renee you look stunning!! excellent dress

Stacey said...

Love your hair! Your dress is adorable! Andrew and co. also look quite dashing.

Stef said...

looks like a very pretty dress and a very successful gathering.

unclem-nm said...

Martinis vs Word. Sounds like a mismatch to me.

Bernice said...

Did R & B every get in or do you need to throw another party for them.

Mars Girl said...

I would love to be a fly on a wall in a room full of partying physicists... the conversation is undoubtedly fascinating!

H. Abrantes said...
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Pulisha said...

Looks like a fabulous time. It makes sense that physicists would apply the same tenacity to their partying as they do to their work! :)

Ellie said...

Wow, looks GREAT! I love your dress. And Mr. D looks quite dashing in his suit! He's so cute...