Saturday, September 10, 2011

Check it out: Don't Lecture Me!

If anybody would like to know more about what I do, National Public Radio did a great documentary this week on physics education research. "Don't Lecture Me!" is an hour-long program by American Radio Works which talks about why lecturing is not how we should be teaching. Many leaders in Physics Education research participated, including one of my advisors. Listen here.


Gill - UK said...

Is there a time limit on how long this broadcast is available?
I want to listen but an hour is more than I have available at the moment with more pressing commitments.

alexis said...

cool! which one is your advisor?

Anonymous said...

Gill, from the archives it looks like they keep them up for a year, at least. And if you're pressed for time, I recommend the first half (which is about Physics Education Research) more than the second half (which is also interesting, but focuses on a medical science university in Minnesota, so it doesn't overlap with my work as much).

Alexis, one of my two advisors was Joe Redish - you can see him in the picture on the download page as well (long white hair).

Bernice said...

Isn't it great that you are involved in such cutting edge ideas?