Friday, March 15, 2013


I'm off to Baltimore today, for a weekend of fun work things and fun friend things. I'll be presenting a workshop, which I find far less stressful than giving a talk. (For those of you not in academia, the difference is: In a talk, you talk. In a workshop, you help other people engage in activities to learn. I much prefer when I don't have to do the talking.)

The conference I'm attending, which is about physics high school teachers, is attached to a bigger conference. Most physicists go to one of two major conferences that are held yearly in March and April. Imaginatively, they are called the March Meeting and the April Meeting. The March meeting is in Baltimore, and since some of my friends (along with 8000 other physicists) are attending it. We'll be having dinner, along with friends who are still in DC, which makes it a partial reunion of the Star Trek club. So I'm seeing people that I see every week, but this weekend I get to see them in person instead of on the video screen.


Bernice said...

Your method of teaching Physics has been more of the workshop model than talk, hasn't it?

Gill - UK said...

Hope it all goes well for you.

de-I said...

Have fun. I know what I'd be eating there but I guess you won't. At least you can have some blood wine.

alexis said...

sounds lovely. Take pictures of Baltimore! I wonder if I will remember any of it?