Tuesday, July 02, 2013


As a childfree person, I don't have pictures of cute kids to post on my blog. So I hope this picture of a cute mushroom will suffice. When I saw this mushroom, on my way to work, I finally understood that the cartoon drawings of Smurf houses are based on real mushrooms.

I think all this gardening has me paying a lot more attention to nature than I did in the past...


Gill - UK said...

Great close-up photo - even down to the moss - an expert could probably identify the type of moss.

alexis said...


Ok, I admit my immediate reaction when I saw the photo was to wonder if I could eat it. Bad!

and what do you mean no children, what about your cat and your dog?? They're like children only they never grow up.

de-I said...

Why it does look like the Smurf house.