Thursday, October 31, 2013


I just realized that I need to post this picture today, or it will be old news. A neighbor organized a pumpkin carving party, and here are the results. Mine is the second from the left.

Although I've only lived here for six months, I've met a fair number of neighbors, which makes me feel really welcome. I think the garden really helps - not only have I met fellow gardeners, but people walk by while I'm working and talk to me. I guess that means that someday, when I have my own house, I should make sure there is a small vegetable garden in the front yard, so that I can meet the new neighbors.


Gill - UK said...

What a lovely idea - will you have to give out treats later in the day?

Anonymous said...

It's been great having you as a neighbor! Your blog is terrific...I'm gonna have to try out a few recipes! -jimG

alexis said...

that's really neat! I've eaten a lot of squash but we basically skipped halloween this year.

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Gill, we did indeed handout treats. The pumpkin-carving attendees all gathered again, this time to hand out treats and drink wine, and a lovely time was had by all. We were glad for the roof on my porch, because it started raining halfway through the evening.

de-I said...

And then there's me who only met his neighbor who moved in 5 months ago because he stopped by with his kid to trick or treat.

Carissa said...

loving the post on the neighborly activities going on here in RP!