Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Social butterfly

Over the past few months, I've been working on making more friends. Luckily, I started from a good place, what with my friends from graduate school and a neighbor that shares the garden. I've realized that when I want to make friends in a new place, I use a rule I developed as an exchange student in Germany. The rule is: when invited, go. Of course I say no if I'm sick or to make sure I don't over schedule myself. But I don't allow myself to say no just because I'm not sure if the activity sounds like fun.

In Germany, that meant that I went to the equivalent of a Boy Scout cookout, and to movies I wouldn't have chosen. Here it means that I tried out a new (to me) cafe and will go bowling next week. And in the last few weeks, I've viewed Native American dolls, went on a tour of the National Building museum, and sang in a choir a few times.

Thank goodness no one has invited me to go to a football game.


de-I said...

I think a football game would be allowable as a no if they were asking you to play in a football game.

Gill - UK said...

I think you are tempting fate to mention football.

alexis said...

so fascinating to think of all these different things your new friends are into. I am feeling the pinch of many months of inactivity. I will take a page from your book I think!

Carissa said...

Don't you worry I'll never ask you to go to a football game with me or for that matter even watch one on TV! =)

Denise Annemarie said...

I too didn't know that many neighbors in our neighborhood so about two years ago I decided to start a book club. I put flyers in about 30 mailboxes (only invited women) and got maybe a dozen to attend the first one. We have had a few drop out but have added more so there are almost 20 of us who meet on a regular basis. It's really a very nice group of ladies and let's face it, it's more sociable than actually discussing the latest book we read!

Pulisha said...

How about hockey? I've got an invitation waiting for you to see a Capitols game with us when we get back to DC! :)