Thursday, March 06, 2014

Dog walking

     When dog walking become my chore, I dreaded it a bit. I like having a dog - the tail-wagging, dancing happiness when I arrive home is enough to guarantee goodwill - but I didn't like giving up 45 minutes a day for walks. Now that I've done it a while, though, it's growing on me. One thing that helps is my walking companion. If I had a dog that avoided cold or rain, we'd probably walk less. But every time we go out  - every single day - she acts like being outside is the best thing that ever happened to her. She walks at a slow trot, wagging her tail, ears bobbing up and down. Even when I'm bundled up against cold, wet sleet, Ada will walk for as much time as I'll let her, with just an occasional shake to get rid of the snow that has accumulated on her.
     I also like that these walks get me outside. I've become more attuned to the birdsong in my neighborhood and the bulbs sending shoots through the snow. I meet more of my neighbors, when they're walking their kids to school or coming home from the train station. And because I've already walked a mile with the dog, no matter the weather, I almost always walk to work, regardless of the rain or cold. If I've already done one mile, what's one more?
     There's no big point to this, except to appreciate that something that was once onerous is not that way anymore.


de-I said...

I don't know SRM...this sounds suspiciously like exercise. Something you told me you would always avoid like the plague.

Gill - UK said...

You see so much more of the world at walking pace and of course, Ada is highly appreciative.

alexis said...

wow, so beautiful! And so good that you are walking so much.

Unknown said...

My mom walks daily (when the shoulders are clear of snow) and has really come to like all the wildlife she sees. And you get to totally make Ada's day, every day! That's pretty nice.

Bernice said...

Walking Ada has added a lot to my life too. Having done it twice a day for a couple months, I found it was great. I continue to walk 2-3 miles a day even though she is back with you.