Sunday, April 27, 2014

Catching up

     I was sick this week. I was lucky that I only suffered from a cold, and even better, I just needed to sleep a great deal to recover. One day off work, and three nights of 10-14 hours of sleep and I'm feeling pretty terrific again. I think my cat would like it if I stayed home sick every day. At age 15, all she's looking for in life is a warm lap she can sleep on all day.


     I've been meaning to post the following pictures for a while. Last year, my niece K drew a terrific picture of me, which I framed and hung on my living room wall. She got the details just right, so I recreated the outfit I was wearing so you all could see how good she was. Blue headscarf with white ellipses, check. Round glasses, check. Blue jeans and turquoise sweater, check. In the drawing, I'm enjoying the coffee and strawberry pancakes we had for breakfast that morning. I especially appreciated the wine glass decorating the bottom corner; apparently Aunt Renee Michelle is strongly associated with wine. This kid knows me.


de-I said...

That is a really good picture. Also love the fact that wine and you are associated...even at breakfast.

adventures and misadventures abroad said...

Glad you are feeling better RM. Love the picture!

alexis said...

that is a brilliant picture. Just like the auntie it represents!

Bernice said...

Loved both pictures! Glad you are feeling better.

Unknown said...

As I recall, your prescription for a cold involves a hot toddy. Perspicacious child, your niece.

Gill - UK said...

Children observe so much - the heat rising from your pancakes