Monday, August 25, 2014

Project day in the mud

     For the August edition of project day, I helped my friends N and S put up a fence. Well, it would be more precise to say that I was one among a crew who helped them start to put up a fence. We had hoped to set all the posts on Saturday, and then N and S would attach the fencing during the week. But Saturday turned out to be a wet and dreary day, and the job turned out to be harder that we thought. We managed about six hours in the drizzle before we gave up, exhausted. Hopefully N and S can still get the rest done on their own.
     These pictures were taken during a few of the non-rainy moments. We tore out old fences and distributed many, many pounds of lumber around the yard.

     They rented a gas-powered, two-person auger, but it couldn't dig holes near existing structures and flooded and was generally temperamental, so we did a lot by hand. I did not have to swing the pick axe, although I use a post-hole digger and spade. I also helped remove that big red wooden fence on the right, along with a chain-link fence.
     It's hard to believe it, but I hope to own a house someday. And then I'll get to do exhausting, muddy projects like this on my own property...


alexis said...

I am never left unimpressed by these project days. Would love to be acquiring these kids of skills though I don't know what we'd do with the kids - pick ax duty?

Gill - UK said...

You'll be able to call in help from those you have helped.

de-I said...

Absolutely Alexis. All kids love pick axes. You just have to make sure they don't use them on each other.

RSM - my goal has always been to be to afford to have others do my project days for me :)