Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Larder

     'Tis the season to eat up what's in the larder. Today I started planning my garden, and that's got me a tiny bit scared that I won't make it through everything in the pantry and freezer before more vegetables come pouring in.
     I have been doing my best - I hardly every buy vegetables, and I try to make sure that one of the two fruits I eat every day comes from my stash. Here are some rather delicious examples of stored fruits I've eaten recently:
Rum-soaked cherries, served with madeleines. I'm not sure this even counts as fruit, because each cherry is little rum-bomb. But they are delicious.

Blackberry ice cream. Next year I'm procuring more blueberries, and fewer blackberries. Blackberries are tasty, but they are not twice as tasty as blueberries, which is what I require when they cost twice as much. Before I get concerned emails about my dessert intake, I should note that most of the fruit I've frozen goes into breakfast yogurt shakes.
     I have also started to gift jars of pickles to people. I need to eat a quart a month to get through them, and apparently that's too large of a ration for me. Thus, I'm also reconsidering whether to make pickles this year.
     Lastly, let's talk zucchini. Zucchini is delicious when fresh and easy to grow. It is also watery and bland when frozen. Since I freeze a lot of produce, this summer my motto will be, "Less zucchini, more green beans."


Gill - UK said...

That's good planning. I like the look of the blackberry ice cream.
In the UK, if you want to grow blueberries the plants are very expensive, much more so than blackberries.

adventures and misadventures abroad said...

That reminds me - we need to eat some of the sweet corn we froze. Yum!

de-I said...

You're right Glo! We always put up bunches of stuff with the best of intentions and then forget it until close to growing season when we're consuming like crazy.

You can send as many cherry rum bombs to NM as you like :)

alexis said...

feel free to send jars of anything going to the Netherlands