Thursday, April 16, 2015

This and that

     My brother and I got to have dinner together this week, because he was in town for some training. I had to drive from Baltimore, where I was working that day, to Dulles airport during rush hour. It took about two hours, but that was okay because I really like him. Also, I forgot how we share a similar sense of humor. I'm lucky to have him (although I didn't think that when I was thirteen).
     For the past few days, everything I eat has tasted bitter. I am definitely not enjoying my food. I googled it, and it turns out that I have "Pine nut syndrome ." I can hardly even believe this is a thing, but sometimes when people eat pine nuts, everything the eat for days (or weeks) afterwards tastes bitter. I did, in fact, eat some pesto with whole pine nuts and now I rue it every day. It's like the bitterness fairy comes by and waves her little wand over everything that I eat and drink. Even water tastes a little unpleasant. Count me a permanent enemy of pine nuts from this point forward.
     I have awesome neighbors. We were taking a walk together last night, when I passed huge bundles of cut bamboo. I need some bamboo stakes for my garden this year, and I'd love to not buy them. I already had the dog on a leash, so friends J and C carried them a half mile to home.


Gill - UK said...

I think S looks so like his dad - and I'd never heard of pine nut syndrome so I'll remember this information if I'm tempted to eat any.
Good neighbours are worth their weight in gold.

de-I said...

And not even a gastronomic post about your meal with Brother...for shame. Looks like sushi to me.

Crazy thing about the pine nuts!

Carissa said...

Aww thanks I have awesome neighbors too!

alexis said...

you live in an amazing place where you know all your neighbors and all get along. Community gets tossed around all the time but you really have it.

Excellent to see you and your bro getting on still to this day. :)