Thursday, May 21, 2015

On two wheels

     Since last fall, I've been trying to bicycle more. I've switched from walking to biking to work, which is actually a net loss in exercise, since biking is more efficient. I also use the bike for errands like doctors' appointments and the bank. Most of these things are within two miles, and the effort involved is primarily in choosing a doctor that will be within range. A long-term goal is to bicycle regularly to the grocery store, which is less than five miles away, although a large hill lies between my house and the store. My other goal is to take the dog on bike rides, using the trailer, to a nearby lake that is just out of walking range.
      To that end, I'm trying to build up my biking abilities. I know that I'm a pretty pitiful bicyclist; my brother is training to bike between LA and San Francisco, and he regularly bikes dozens of miles. So don't poke fun at me when I say that my goal this week is to bicycle 10 miles twice. I will be chicken-sitting for friends who live five miles away, and I need to go every day.  If I use the car half the time and the bicycle half the time, that will be a good. If I manage to not break the eggs I've gathered that day while riding back, I will consider it a complete success.


de-I said...

I find your adoption of all things exercise related somewhat of a miracle considering your opinions toward the subject earlier in life.

Gill - UK said...

Do you have a bike helmet? You know that eggs will break easily but what if you fall of the bike?

alexis said...

upright bike, hurrah!