Thursday, February 04, 2016

Water, not in pipes

If you consume any media at all, you know that we had a big snowstorm a few weeks ago. The animals and I spent five days mainly indoors, and I discovered that I have awesome neighbors who helped me shovel out. A lot of snow has stuck around, though, and yesterday when we got a lot of rain, the melted snow plus rain meant flooding in a few places, including my basement. I'm of the camp that believes that every basement floods eventually, though, so I didn't panic. My basement isn't a finished living space (and will remain like that) and I've tried to store things off the ground. Twenty-four hours with a fan aimed at the worst of it and it's mainly dry again.

A friend who came to dinner last night remarked that she had been a bit envious of my house, but touring the basement with me, I'm guessing that feeling was gone...


de-I said...

Yuck. I have to say that this last storm reminded of a major reason we up and left the Mid-Atlantic to move here.

adventures and misadventures abroad said...

What a cute little home!

alexis said...

it is super cute with the blue sky and snow! What a realistic attitude re: basements. I guess it's inevitable.

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Aw, thanks guys! I had never thought of the house as cute, but I guess it is!

Gill - UK said...

Perhaps your Dad will come up with solution to the problem