Thursday, June 01, 2017

Tidy, perhaps fastidious

     I'm transitioning between roommates - for four days, there will be/has been no one in the house besides me. I've been observing myself to see how I behave differently when I know I'm all alone. Mainly, I see that I'm noisier. There's no need to creep down my stairs if I think the roommate might still be sleeping (I live in a house with creaky floorboards) and I can listen to music without headphones and sing along.
     One thing that didn't change is keeping the place tidy. It will probably not come as a surprise that I am a tidy person, but this has intensified in recent years. Dirty dishes always live in the dishwasher, or are washed immediately (usually before I eat). The book bag has a home on a specific shelf in the closet, and keys live in the decorative bowl by the door. When I have a roommate, I am vigilant about being tidy to set a good example. But it turns out when I'm alone, it's now a habit I don't want to change, because I enjoy have a clean, organized, visually peaceful place to live in.


de-I said...

I think the issue of tidiness is one that frequently causes issues between roommates

alexis said...

or family. I like being tidy though I don't clean very much