Thursday, December 06, 2018

Bathroom, Part 10

Here we are, nearly a year after beginning the bathroom project. Another Thanksgiving come and gone, turkey and plumbing inexorably intertwined. And while the room is not done, we have made great progress.

There are walls and a door that opens completely. I can use the lights and the outlets and the bathtub. Yet to come: the shower, one more ceiling light, and the additional HVAC. That last one is a doozy, and I don't even like to think about it because I fear it will cost far more money than I have spent thus far on the entire bathroom. And to distract myself, I will take many long hot baths in my new tub.


Gill - UK said...

It's looking good.
I had to look up HVAC and doozy but you are right - no bathroom is complete without the HVAC.

de-I said...

That this will be done in time for your retirement is a good goal to have.

adventures and misadventures abroad said...

Almost there!