Sunday, September 01, 2019

Breakfast in Frankfurt

Frankfurt doesn't have a great reputation in Germany - it's seen as very modern and boring, as if you had plucked Wall Street out of New York but didn't take any of the interesting art, fashion, or immigrant culture with it. As a result, I have never bothered to visit. But my flight to Europe was a direct hop from DC to Frankfurt, so I decided to stay a day before heading to Madrid.

I can see how the city gets this reputation. There are lots of skyscrapers, which are unusual in Germany but common here because most of the old city was destroyed during WW II. I did a walking tour and saw the outside of the stock market and Goethe's birthplace, a treat for someone with a German Literature BA, but there wasn't a lot else that grabbed my attention. My hotel was near the train station, which is a neighborhood filled with trash and graffiti. But it's also quite international - there were loads of different ethnic foods and immigrants, and I saw no less than four festivals yesterday, featuring the Indian community, wine, China, and basketball. If you know me, you can guess that I sped through Basketball Fest but tarried at Indien Fest.

In any case, it's been great to be in Germany again. It's a reminder how easy things are when you know the language and culture - which should encourage me to keep practicing Spanish. And I got to eat a German breakfast, which was 50% of why I visited and was 100% worthwhile. I pretty much chose my hotel based on the reviews of its breakfast.The big spread of cheese, breads, boiled eggs, and yogurt is not easy to replicate in the US, but this morning's repast will inspire me to keep trying.


de-I said...

I great breakfast spread is a wonderful reason to choose a hotel. For that reason alone you should consider resorts in Southeast Asia.

What! You passed on the basketball fest! Shocked.

alexis said...

I see nothing wrong with choosing a hotel based on its breakfast