Monday, May 17, 2021

The ups and down of gardening

In 1776, Thomas Paine said that these are the times that try men's souls, but I can say that 2021 is the (spring)time that will try this (wo)man's soul. It has not been a good time in the garden lately. In fact, if I didn't have so many years of success behind me, I would assume I have a black thumb.

The asparagus mostly didn't come up, we haven't had nearly enough rain, and something ate all my spring crops. My friends and the internet don't yet agree on whether I have a groundhog, a deer, or rabbits. I may have to add extra fencing, but the type of fencing that will be effective depends on what kind of furry creature I am dealing with. Gardens can also be ravaged by birds, insects, and disease, but I think I have ruled those out. 

We are also expecting the 17-year cicada cycle, with billions or trillions emerging in the next week or two. I saw my first one today, when it hitched a ride inside on my sweater and wouldn't let go. I'm willing to let nature be, but I have a strict rule on it staying outside of the house. The experts assure us that the insects won't harm garden plants, so luckily I should only have to deal with the racket and molted shells.

For some reason, the perennial garden seems to be thriving much more than the vegetables. So here are some pretty flowers to distract you, since vegetable pictures seem to be a thing of the distant future.
Foxglove. A beautiful plant, and persnickety, as it needs two years' growth before it will bloom.

Daffodils, springstar, jonquils, and violets.


RunEddRun said...

Sorry to hear about your garden struggles this year. I'm trying again at my new house, I had given up a few years back when something (a mystery much like you have) ate everything...then caterpillars ate everything, then we got frost, etc., etc., etc.

de-I said...

I pretty much believe if I had been a pioneer farmer, my bloodline would have ended when I died of starvation for all the reasons you've noted. BTW, knowing Maryland, I think deer are a good culprit. Hate deer. But if it is a deer and you can find a gun-loving, conservative to take it out for you, we will take some of the venison! Sadly you are not in a hunting-friendly neighborhood.

alexis said...

omg the cicadas! There's a childhood memory for sure. I am sorry you're having a bum year in the veggie garden department, but I have faith that there are still plenty of seasons and months of growing to go, you will defeat the furry invaders and have some plant matter to eat before the winter comes.

adventures and misadventures abroad said...

My garden has only been planted for a little over a week. So too early to guess how things will grow. So far a few of the 30 or so marigolds I planted have died. Gardens are so fickle!

Gill - UK said...

Well the UK weather has not been conventional this year and the plants are confused.
One mystery - the apricot tree has been very disappointing most years so far, and we decided to cut it down, but we didn't get round to that job and now it is loaded with fruits. We are hopeful, but with the dismal growing conditions we may still not get a crop.