Friday, December 17, 2021

Big News

Forging ahead into a bright, new future!

There was some big news announced in my department this week - I'm retiring! I have been pretty quiet about this on the blog and in my work life, but I learned about early retirement (sometimes called FIRE, for Financial Independence, Retire Early) almost ten years ago and it captured my imagination. Through frugality, privilege, and a bit of luck, I will be retiring from my job in less than two months. 

My immediate plans in February are to sleep in as much as I want and start getting more exercise. But longer term, hopefully at the end of 2022, I hope to sell my house, most of my belongings and move to Madrid. I have always liked Europe, and Spain has a visa system that makes this viable for me. 

I'm sorry to be leaving my work at the American Physical Society and my wonderful colleagues, but I'm excited for a new adventure. Stay tuned in the coming months for more.


de-I said...

It is most awesome that you have hit your goal and will be transitioning into another phase of life!

Remind me to send you the de-I Sandia Outfitter Catalog of World Experiences. You will have way more time to indulge them.

Rob said...

It begins... :)

Stef said...


alexis said...

So incredible and excited for you - and another family member moving over to Europe!

de-I said...

Are you going to update the countdown on your blog page? It seems off based on your news.

Gill - UK said...

Such plans - and the time will pass very quickly.