Friday, October 11, 2024

America/América, parte 1: Washington, DC

I just returned from a trip to the US. I apologize to all the friends that I couldn´t see- I didn´t even have time to write in my blog. That's why I'm going to write a blog entry for every city that I visited in September.

My first stop was Washington, DC, where I made sure to attend the Maryland Renaissance Fair. I am a big fan of my friend N´s choir, and they sing at the fair every year. I hope that I earned a lot of points by being the person who traveled the furthest to hear them.

It was truly delightful to spend time with friends. I had a long list of favorite things I wanted to do. and they helped me cross them off: a campfire, a cookout, riding bikes, Star Trek, walks, and even a birthday cake.

I bicycled so much. In fact, I'm now planning to buy an ebike for the US, so it'll be easier to keep up on the hills. // Fui en bicicleta muchísimos kilómetros. De hecho, después de este viaje he decidido comprar un ebike para usar en EE.UU. porque es difícil seguir el ritmo de mis amigos.

Renaissance Fair // Feria Renacentista

My friends, the M family, have the cutest cats. The smallest one in this picture is the new kitten Dash, who earned their name by staying hidden in the car dashboard for a few days. //
Mis amigos, la familia M, tienen los gatos más preciosos del mundo. Apareció una gatita que es un nuevo miembro de la familia y se llama Dash, porque se escondió tras el salpicadero del coche, que significa ´dashboard´ en inglés.

My friend R and I ate at a deli which featured a pickle buffet. //
Con mi amigo R, comí en una charcutería que tenía un buffet de pepinillos.

N and S, in their Renaissance outfits. //
N y S sonríen mientras llevan ropa renacentista.


Acabo de regresar de un viaje de los Estado Unidos. Lamento no haber tenido tiempo para ver a todos mis amigos ni tampoco escribir en mi blog. Por esta razón, voy a escribir una entrada para cada ciudad que visité durante el mes de septiembre.

Llegué a Washington, DC y asistí a una feria renacentista donde el coro de mi amigo N cantó. Soy superfan de este coro y espero que gane mucho puntos, básicamente, porque soy la persona que más lejos para escucharlo.

Fue increíble pasar todo mi tiempo con amigos. Hice una lista de mis cosas favoritas, y ellos me ayudan a hacer todo: tener una fogata y una barbacoa, montar en bicicletas, ver Star Trek, dar muchos paseos, e incluso compartimos un pastel de cumpleaños.


Anonymous said...

Looks so fun! ---Jonathan G

Sue said...

Definitely a fan of this post. You seem to capture NSRA enjoying life there inDC along with the cats and chaos of all they do.So glad you got to visit and experienced so much and put an effort into staying friends in spite of the ocean between.Sending love from 352. PS GNV weathered Milton just fine.Cedar Key had a negative tidal surge!

A's Mum said...

You crammed so much into the first city you visited, and no surprises with the activities you chose.

de-I said...

I wondered about the communication silence. Well now I know. I will wait for the deeper thoughts when we see you next week.

alexis said...

well it looks like it's up to me to ask the question we're all wondering: we need the name of the place that has a pickle bar.

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Susan, NSRA are great hosts and it was delightful to stay with them! So glad that you and Gainesville weathered the storm.

Alexis, I give a big shoutout to Parkway Deli In SilverSpring- I thought the pickles were great and want to try the vegetarian matzoh ball soup next time.