Lovely readers, please send me your questions about life in Spain or any other topic. This year, I´m not taking Spanish classes, but have packed my life with lots of language learning activities: language exchanges, reading, and above all writing my blog. Writing is the skill I most need to work on, but sometimes I can't think of what to say. So please ask me about what clothes people wear in Madrid, why I live here, what I did when I was six years old, or any other thing. Take pity on someone with occasional Spanish writer's block!
Queridos lectores, enviadme vuestras preguntas sobre mi vida en España o cualquier otra cosa. Este año, no tengo planeado tener clases, y en lugar de eso, he planificado mis propios estudios. Hago intercambios y leo libros, pero quizás lo más importante es practicar mi español escrito, que es la razón por la cual escribo mi blog. A veces, no tengo ninguna idea sobre qué escribir. Por esta razón, pido vuestra ayuda. Preguntadme sobre las diferencias en la moda entre EE. UU. y España, ya que vivo en Madrid, incluso sobre lo que hacía cuando era niña o cualquier otra duda que tengáis.
What is the fall like where you are? Do you get much rainfall?
What are people saying about the American election?
I know you used to have a cat and dog. Do you have pets now? If so, tell us about them.
I know you are a bookworm like me. Can you find books in English that you can read for enjoyment? Or are you making yourself only read Spanish books for learning purposes?
Did you manage to create a vegetable garden on your porch/deck? Are there public spaces to grow food?
How do holiday traditions differ in the months to come?
Do you think he will ever buy a small property in Spain or continue to rent? Is it possible to buy a small apartment?
Do you miss working and having colleagues to interact with on a professional basis? Do you ever get bored?
Have you made any new clothes in Spanish styles for yourself? If so, please share. I know Europe typically does not have large stores, can you find fabric stores with good selection?
I think your parents have moved since I was in Ohio, yet I understand that they have a large barn or something for storage of your dad‘s projects. Is he whittling down his collection of projects or is it still as large as ever?
Do you have future plans for travel outside of Spain or the US? Probably more so beyond the borders of Spain in Europe?
Are you connected with civic groups or a church? if so, Tell us about them. How do they differ from what we would have in the US? By the way, all of these ideas so far have come from Heidi. Enjoy.
1. what is your current favorite meal of the day? Why and what foods do you go for?
2. what are you looking forward to most this winter, your second full one in Spain?
3. What would 20 year old Renee Michelle think about today's Renee Michelle's current situation?
4. What was your favorite trip this year so far within Spain and why?
Considering the excruciatingly long process it takes you to churn out a post due to your Spanish proofreading task master's perfectionism, are you regretting having made this request since ALL OF US will expect our questions answered very quickly?
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