Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Starting anew

Imagine that you are someone who highly values your clean, orderly house. You are perhaps known for always having a tidy, welcoming home. While you aren't compulsively neat, it would only be a very tiny stretch to use such a phrase to describe yourself. Further imagine that your beloved has offered to build you a window seat, a piece of furniture you have been begging for during the last six months. Charmed by the idea of having something made, especially for you, by your loved one, you agree that it can be constructed in your living room. Now imagine, a month later, that you still live surrounded by wood, sawdust, and tools, and that your loved one has suggested that he has learned oh-so-much during this project that it would be a good idea if he just let the landlord burn what he has done thus far, and then your loved one could purchase some higher quality wood and build something so much better, because now he could do a much better job if he just started over.

Now, as you eat dinner on your two square feet of clean table, shoot him a very dirty look.


alexis said...

think of this as the catapillar stage before a beautiful table emerges!

Anonymous said...

It takes a discerning eye to know when to build on a learning experience with a fresh start. I don't imagine that Chippendale's first chair was perfect in every aspect but he went on to greater things .
P.S.You can't saw a piece of wood without making sawdust and the dustpan under the table is an indicator of good intent.
'The path to hell is paved with good intent!' The exclamation mark is mine.

stef said...

This is why I have a basement.

Anonymous said...

As the sages have said, be careful for what you ask for.

Matty Lau said...

As someone who is not nearly as tidy nor organized as you, and as much as I throughly encourage your significant other to engage in non-physics creative endeavors, my thoughts upon reading this was,"you should serve him up the sawdust for dinner!"