Monday, July 31, 2017

Travel and Vegetables

     I have three trips in four weeks planned. Last week was Cincinnati, this week is Vegas, and then soon it is Minnesota. The trips are conveniently arranged so that I have four or five days between each one. This times is set aside so that I can clean the house, mow the lawn, and madly freeze produce from the garden. After all, the neighbors will laugh at an unkempt lawn, a roommate will rue the tumbleweeds of cat hair in the living room, and the garden waits for no one. So I freeze zucchini, dry tomatoes, and make pesto.
     On top of it all, work is extra challenging right now. The big news is that I got promoted! It's quite exciting, but comes with supervisory duties and I want to learn all I can about managing people so I can do it well. This new responsibility reminded me how much work it is to learn something new. I certainly don't think I was coasting in my job before, but I had figured out how to do my job reasonably well. Now I'm madly juggling new meetings and trying to figure out how to achieve everything I'm supposed to do. I'm sure I'll eventually figure it out, but I can tell I'm thinking about 25% more at work every day that I have been.
     With all this extra thinking, my vacation this week couldn't be more welcome. I'll be attending a Star Trek convention (yup, I'm  that nerdy) in Las Vegas. I attended this same convention eleven years ago, with my friend T and late husband A. T's wife forced him to take a vacation this summer, so he and I will be reprising the trip. I hope to pick up lots of awesome Star Trek swag. Right after I pick and freeze all those green beans in the garden, of course...


de-I said...

Congrats on the promotion! Live long and prosper.

adventures and misadventures abroad said...

Congrats on the promotion. Hope it meant a good raise as well.

Gill - UK said...

Well done with the promotion, and the fruitful garden, and your habit of working hard to keep everything in order.
Where has eleven years gone?

alexis said...

I think that sounds like an awesome holiday and I can't wait to see you sporting some of that swag at the family reunion. And mad props on your promotion! I can absolutely relate to new work suddenly requiring a lot more energy. That feels like the constant in my life right now - having to learn a lot of new stuff all the time.