My vacation began not with a bang, but with a squelch. I could see the storm clouds approaching from my office window at work, but I wasn't able to outrun the rain. Shortly into my ride home, I hit a downpour and biked four miles in the driving rain. It was an uncomfortable and slow ride, knowing that even pedestrians on the path couldn't see me until I was a few feet from them. Luckily I ride on few roads, because I couldn't hear cars and I knew they wouldn't see me until they ran me over.
Once again, this rain invaded my basement. My basement floods two or three times a year, and my current strategy is to keep everything elevated off the floor and aim a fan at the puddles for a few days. I'm hoping that as long as I never smell mold, I can continue as is. I don't want to know how much it would cost to keep water out of my basement- I imagine one would need earth-moving equipment, which wouldn't be a DIY job.
Vegas, on the other hand, is on a desert, so I won't have to worry about rain. I switched to Celsius last year (an easy task now that most thermometers are digital and websites let you choose your units). I admit I blanched when I saw the weather forecast for Las Vegas. It was just a string of 40s, and I hadn't seen a number that high before. I guess I'll plan on walking very slowly everywhere.
Well, a good vacation is when you slow down. In your case I guess that means walking slow.
Have a relaxed time. You deserve it.
Wow! I bike in the rain all the time but I live in a country where everyone bikes and therefore I don't have that additional mental burden of making sure cars don't kill me and I don't kill pedestrians. And I remember the torrential rains of summer on the east coast - something that doesn't happen too often by us either.
The basement is a major bummer and I applaud your zen attitude. That shiz would drive me totally nuts and I'd end up throwing crazy amounts of money to probably not get it fixed very well. I imagine a lot of research will be required to do the job properly.
And of course it is Monsoon season in the Western Desert so there might be rain after all.
Do your neighbours have the same problem when there is heavy rain? If so, they might have found the cure.
Enjoy Las Vegas
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