Thursday, February 17, 2022


I knew I wanted to celebrate my new milestone, but I couldn't figure out a way to throw a big party right now in a way that felt safe. So I had a couple of smaller celebrations with the friends that helped get me to retirement.

C and L are my FIRE friends- we met a few years ago in a financial independence book club and just hit it off. We have traded financial advice, reviewed each other's investment philosophies, and eaten a lot of ALDI (along with Lidl, the budget grocery store of choice) food together. C is already retired, and L is working as fast as she can to join us. 

We had tea at the Willard, a historic hotel near the White House. The food was tasty, but a part of me knew I could have made better. However, the real treat was dressing up and looking vintage glam while a harpist played and people brought us scones and sparkling wine. 
Familys T and M helped with a second celebration. The kids had macaroni and cheese and all-they-could-eat ice cream sundaes, and were grateful that they didn't have to eat the grown-up food, which included weird ingredients like roasted eggplant and truffled cheese. My friends E and K offered their house, which was ideal - their family did all the cleaning, and I did all the cooking. 
I used all the fancy food people have gifted me: imported pasta flour from my uncle and aunt, Belgian cooking chocolate my nephew gave me, and artisinal olive oil from my boss and her wife. For once, I was pleased with each and every dish I made. I discovered eggplant caponata, a Sicilian dish that is a excellent use for my many bags of frozen garden eggplant and improved my butternut squash soup recipe (secret ingredients: green apples, and garnishes of roasted pumpkin seeds and crème fraiche).

Now I wish I could retire a second time, just so I have all the parties again. 


alexis said...

oh my gosh, so super duper excited and pleased for you! It's a really inspiring achievement.

Gill - UK said...

I've heard of the Willard - the spread was elegantly presented, so I guess you could cope with the food not being up to your own standard.
At some time I would like to have your 'improved' butternut squash soup recipe please - the green apples we grow.

adventures and misadventures abroad said...

So happy for you Renee Michelle! Glad you were able to celebrate.

Bernice said...

I'll bet the kids made the sign. What a way to celebrate.

Shaela said...

Yumm! Such good food and so excited for you!

de-I said...

Wishing you the best in your transition to your new life. The parties looked wonderful.