Monday, February 28, 2022

Winter adventures

I have a zillion things I want to do in retirement while I'm still in the US. First up are travel and exercise, while also learning a "it doesn't have to all get done today" attitude - something that doesn't come easily to me. So I have scheduled all my travel through the end of May, which includes a fair amount of travelers visiting me. I began by going to Ohio to visit my parents. 
An ice storm hit while I was there. Hiking and walking in northern Ohio reminds me how much I appreciate the DC area - not only does spring arrive a month earlier, we have a lot more sunny days. Still, it is very pretty in the rural area where my parents live and it was surprisingly fun to tromp on the grass when every blade was encased in its own coat of ice. 

I'm also trying to bike or walk most days, something that I managed to start even before I retired. But now it's so much easier because I can go out in the warm, light part of the afternoon. Mostly I bike on my own, but occasionally I cajole friends to join me. I know there are lots of riding groups, but I ride especially slowly - 6mph/ 10kph, which rules out a lot of the super serious cyclists. My friends N and R are regular bicycle commuters who deign to go my speed occasionally. Our last trip featured some vicious wind but at least it wasn't Ohio weather.
And a photo especially for my friends and relatives who have escaped the Midwest - the ice storm coated my car. We ran a garden hose over it for a half an hour before it thawed enough to open the driver's side door. The ice didn't completely fall off for another 200 miles. Brrr.



de-I said...

Yes, I am grateful there are so many millions of other people who want to live in places like Ohio so I do not.

Gill - UK said...

What a great start to your retirement - and still so much to see and do.

alexis said...

even with the battery, still not getting that fast? The ebikes here pass everyone! Or I guess that'd be considered cheating with the fast biking groups.

That ice looks intense!!