Friday, January 18, 2019


January in Canada. I work on a project that organizes a dozen conferences every MLK Jr. weekend, and I am always assigned to the Canada conference. Thus,  I am in Ottawa. I don't want to complain too much, because travel outside the US is rare in my job and I relish the chance to enjoy a different country. Canada isn't exactly terra incognita, but there are subtle differences in the culture.

However, this year I'm also dreading the weather. The forecast tomorrow is for a low of -23C (-9F) and my words just fail me when I consider it. Technically I am a native Minnesotan, but I have grown accustomed to the relatively balmy winters in DC. On top of that, the conference is hotel is a mile from the conference center, and we are expected to walk every day. This is one of those cultural differences - I simply couldn't ask Americans to walk a mile each way in professional clothing to a meeting. Although some Americans are athletic, ill health or inactivity or age would prevent a sizable number of meeting attendees from doing that kind of hike. When I was complaining to a colleague about this, she gave me good advice: "You're an American. Call an Uber." So I'm going to see if I can tough out the cold and walk, but I'll keep my phone with me just in case.


Gill - UK said...

Hope the conference goes well and that Uber takes care of your journeys.

alexis said...

I will not complain tomorrow when I am cycling 25 minutes and it is only -2C.

de-I said...

Uber! Uber! Uber!