Sunday, January 06, 2019

Looking up

While I had fun on New Year's Eve, the whole long weekend around it was kind of glum. I was sick, both from a sinus infection and complications from a foot procedure that I had had done a few days earlier. Top that with some pessimistic news from the vet about Ada's health and the discovery of a plumbing leak, and it was just dismal around here.

Now I am feeling much better. I went to Urgent Care; it's so efficient when you have two maladies that they can solve at once. The vet discovered that they put the testing dipstick in the machine wrong(!), which means my dog is fine and I can quit worrying that I'll have to put down both of my animals at the same time. And today I finally removed the part below from my shower faucet. It took me almost a full week of plotting, watching YouTube videos, and consulting with friends to figure out how to get this darn thing out. The installation of the replacement should be much easier, and if I'm lucky (fingers crossed), this will fix the leak.
As an aside, you can quickly clean your entire bathroom if you misunderstand which water "circuit" you've turned off, so that as you adjust a screw, you are suddenly hit full force in the chest with a huge geyser of water. This will flood your basement while you madly run to turn off the water, and after mopping everything up you will have a newly cleaned bathroom. This is just hypothetical, of course...


adventures and misadventures abroad said...

So lovely to have plumbing problems on top of everything else that is going on with you. I sympathize with you because I started out this trip with a horrible cold and we discovered we had a water leek in our roof two days before we left. Thankfully we have no animals to have things go wrong with!

de-I said...

Glad your health is better and will keep in mind the 'hypothetical' way of cleaning the bathroom. Though it seems as if one was undressed when one did this process, not only would the bathroom be clean but you would be cleaned as well!

Gill - UK said...

Such good news about Ada - and I'm sure you are equal to any problem the plumbing throws your way. Think positive - the spring cleaning is well ahead of schedule.

alexis said...

oh my goodness what a series of events!!! I'm glad it all managed to turn around and you found yourself in such good spirits that you made up the hilarious and clearly totally imaginary bathroom cleaning scenario.