Monday, October 14, 2024

América, parte 2: Filadelfia // Philadelphia

My best friend M lives in New York, and since I didn't have time to get up there during this visit, we met in Philadelphia. It's super convenient because it's a quick two-hour train ride for each of us. We also really wanted to repeat a meal we shared in December at a Georgian restaurant (the country, not the state.) They make incredible “cheese boats” topped by a raw egg that you stir into the piping hot cheese to cook.

We decided to spend the rest of the day seeking out roadside attractions, those weird tourist spots like giant cow statues that I have visited in other cities. This is not something that everyone would find entertaining, so we were both delighted to do it together.

A giant clothespin. // Una pinza de ropa gigante.

Peter Jefferson, a bald eagle that lived on top of the National Mint in Philadelphia. After he died, they stuffed him and used him as a model when engraving coins. // 
Peter Jefferson, un águila calva que vivía arriba del edificio de la casa de monedas de Filadelfia. Después de su muerte, se disecó y se lo utilizó como modelo para algunas monedas.

This statue about the discovery of electricity is made up of a kite, a key, and a lightning bolt. M. lived in Philadelphia for years and always thought this forgotten construction equipment.//
Esta estatua sobre el descubrimiento de la electricidad está formada por un cometa, una llave y un rayo. Matty vivía en Filadelfia y siempre creía que la estatua era algún escombro de construcción.

They say that Benjamin Franklin flew his famous kite here. This is almost certainly untrue. // Se dice que Benjamin Franklin voló aquí su famoso cometa. Esto es, ciertamente, una mentira.
“The Mural of Franks”, including Frankenstein, Frank Zappa, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Other panels featured Aretha Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, and a frankfurter. //
´El mural de Franks´ incluye Frankenstein, Frank Zappa y Franklin D Roosevelt. No puedes ver en estae foto a Aretha Franklin, ni a Benjamin Franklin y ni tampoco un frankfurter (una salchicha en inglés).


Mi mejor amiga vive en Nueva York y, a veces, cuando no tengo tiempo para visitarla allí, nos vemos en Filadelfia. Esta ciudad es buen punto de encuentro porque supone un corto viaje de dos horas en tren para ambas. Sobre todo, quisimos comer otra vez en un restaurante de Georgia donde comimos en diciembre. Hay platos increíbles que se llaman barcos de queso y son como una pizza sin tomate y con un huevo crudo que revuelves en el queso caliente para cocinarlo.

Decidimos visitar atracciones en la carretera, como otras tantas cosas que he hecho en otras ciudades; este no es un interés que comparten muchas personas y por eso nos alegramos de que podamos hacerlo juntas.


Sue said...

Next time you’re in Philadelphia you’ve GOT to visit my brother,known to all as Uncle Jim. He travels the rails like you when he’s not teaching (retired MDPhD) chemistry part time. N can tell you all about him.

alexis said...

omg I love everything you saw in Philadelphia! The wall of franks is absolutely the best. I have seen that dish you ate but not had a chance to try it - I'm positive it's available here but will need to track it down

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Sue, he sounds like someone I´d get along well with! I will try to arrange that next time I´m there.

de-I said...

That one would include the 'frankfurter' with the other 'Franks' shows a person with a good sense of proportion. I personally am particularly drawn to the giant clothes pin. That is something I wish I had available at various Airbnb of my experiences.