Friday, April 21, 2006

The truth about oil and vinegar

A few nights ago I had my friend Greta over for dinner, and she mentioned that she loves my salad dressing. Now, I pretty much make the same salad dressing every single time I make it, because I like my recipe too. And if you know me, you know that once I find something that I like I stick with it. Hence my daily consumption of Campbell's Clam Chowder for most of my elementary school career.

So, if you're tired of Paul Newmans's Balsamic Vinagrette, or have OD'd on Ranch, here is my recipe. Basically, it's all about proportion. The mantra you can sing as you work is 1/2, 1, 4. That is, 1/2 measure dijon mustard, 1 measure vinegar, 4 measures extra virgin olive oil, plus a pinch of salt. That's it. Mix up the mustard, vinegar, and salt, then whisk in the oil. And you have to be true to this - a lot of people want to stint on the olive oil because it looks like too much, or they're worried about fat. If you're worried about fat, then just make less dressing. But too much vinegar makes for a mouth-puckering experience that will send you running back to your bottled French in a hurry, trust you me.

And once you've got that down, it's super easy to vary it. Try different vinegars: red wine, balsamic, or apple cider, or a different acid - lemon or lime juice. Add herbs, chopped or fresh. Add a teaspoon of sugar, if you like sweet dressings, or a clove of fresh chopped garlic, if you're a garlic freak like me. Fresh ground pepper, or a splash of a different oil, like sesame or walnut, also gives the dressing a whole new flavor.

Then, toss with your salad and enjoy your greens, glistening with your very own tasty homemade salad dressing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mmm...a recipe just in time for all the yummy summer goodness! I like adding fruit to my summer salads. Do you have suggestions for types of pairings? I have liked in the past strawberries with balsamic vinegar.