Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Drama Queen

Remember the girl in college, the one who always had boyfriend problems, or needed to talk to you about how her parents totally didn't get her and had cut off her allowance, or she was failing her trig class? Remember all the perpetual drama? I have become that girl. It appears that this blog has just become a long list of things that are going wrong. In actuality, I have a great life. I now live with my husband, full-time. I have a cat who still loves her life, even if she does walk around with the cone of shame. I love my job and I live in a city full of interesting food and people.
Nonetheless, it was one more thing to add the list when we went to work yesterday (Andrew has a new job!) and found that our car window had been smashed and the GPS stolen. Bleh. The police were kind enough to point out that we really shouldn't leave electronics visible, which I had kind of figured out by that point. One lost morning of work, though, and we had a new window. And maybe we'll be lucky enough, when we're trying to buy a replacement GPS on eBay, that we'll actually buy our very own GPS back again.


Gill - UK said...

Deep sympathy - but the important things are fine - and it's better to
share problems - it helps to keep things in perspective.

alexis said...

oh dear, it's good to try to keep things in perspective but I think it's okay to feel a bit sorry for yourself when a string of bad luck hits you.

Gill - UK said...

I agree Alexis

unclem-nm said...

Actually we always knew that you were secretly that drama queen and it's good that you're finally coming out the closet!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the GPS. We just gave ours to your dad. Maybe he will pass it on to you since he and your mom already own one? Stacey

Matty Lau said...

Even as that high drama queen, you do it with such a good perspective on things.

Pulisha said...

Don't worry, I often think that my blog is just one big series of whines, lol! I think it has to do with seeing all of those negative thoughts in print that makes you feel that way. If it's any consolation, I didn't get that impression at all!