Saturday, April 11, 2020


My very good friend M has been quarantined in one room of her house all week, separated from her spouse and kid. I knew she'd be missing getting outside, so I sent her a picture or video from my morning walk each day. If you are quarantined, or just stuck in a state that is still experiencing winter, here's a taste of spring for you.
Violets grow wild in my yard. If you pick enough of them, you can discern that they actually have a lovely scent; it is not just something invented for soaps that Victorian ladies used.
These are my possibly-not-quite-legal pink tulips. They were a gift from my brother's family while they were traveling in the Netherlands, and I didn't remember that I was supposed to declare them when I brought them into the country.
Pansies and tulips. Last year's extra work in establishing a perennial cottage garden has really paid off. Almost everything is already coming up, and I seemed to have planned well to have bits of color even this early in the year. Experienced gardeners will know that pansies are not actually perennials, but they can live (and bloom) through entire DC winter, so I planted them anyway.


de-I said...

The violets, in particular, are very pretty

alexis said...

I love those flowers - we are just starting our garden up again, since NOTHING survived garden-ageddon last year

adventures and misadventures abroad said...

So nice to see spring arrive!

A's Mum said...

A lovely Spring display - and if you leave the violets and pansies to go to seed, you will get a succession that you have not had to plant.

Bernice said...

Sure glad you did not get arrested!