Monday, January 11, 2021

Ups and Downs

 I have a job that is pretty meeting-heavy. In a typical day, I have between three and ten meetings. Today, all three of my meetings were cancelled for different meetings and I had an entire day to work without needing to talk to anyone. This hasn't happened since April 10th of last year! (I had to go very far back in my calendar to find that.) It was delightful, and I hope it happens to me again in another eight months. 

I am glad that work is going well because my DIY life is going terribly. I keep starting projects, and then when I get utterly stuck, I take a break and start a different one. Currently I have a car to which I cannot attach a license plate, a nearly-complete blouse that is sewn for someone two sizes larger than me, window blinds that do not attach to the window, and the car back seat that is detached from the car. Stay tuned for next weekend to learn if I actually solve any of these problems, or just start something else...


de-I said...

So DIY stands for Done Incomplete Yourself?

alexis said...

you have definitely not finished more projects in a few weeks than I have ever thought about over a whole life time, so it is certainly all relative how you rate yourself! I cannot believe how many meetings you have! I bet you will look back at this time with amazement!

Gill - UK said...

I'm sure you will work out how to solve some of these problems with a little help from your friends.
It's a lot of work to resize a garment when you have started to sew it together - you could finish it off at the larger size and donate it to a charity shop, and think of it as a practice run for making another one to fit yourself.