Friday, March 18, 2022

New rhythms

So far I'd rate retirement as two thumbs up, four star, would highly recommend. I've fallen into a schedule of 2-3 days of socializing, 1 day of paid work, and 3-4 days of solitary pursuits. This seems about right for my introverted soul.

I am super ahead on the garden- everything is weeded and mulched, although it's too cold to plant a lot right now. I've been walking or biking most days, and the high gas prices are providing additional motivation to avoid using the car. My other goal is to start practicing Spanish more regularly, but I've decided to hold off starting until the paid work is done. I'm loving not sitting in front of a computer every day, and I want to continue to keep it that way.

I'm also planning travel, hopefully at a rate of one smallish trip month. In March, the plan is to go to New York City to visit my very dear friend M and her family. We have scheduled this trip five times, repeatedly delaying due to family emergencies, my dental problems, and Covid. I'm optimistic that it will actually happen this time since I am writing this blog post on a bus halfway to NYC...

I am pleased I didn't plan to sell the house and move as soon asi retired. Using these months to find a new rhythm is showing me that my life can be less packed. Doing things, whether it's buying groceries or biking to see friends, is way more enjoyable when I take my time.


Gill - UK said...

So what work are you doing? It's not a bad idea to have some structure and income as you ease into retirement - though you have been very busy on your six days off.

de-I said...

Exciting times kiddo!

alexis said...

I am excited to watch you go through this transition, inspiration for me as well