Saturday, July 23, 2022


A typical tray outside my quarantine room

My final road trip stop was a weekend with my friend D and his partner T in Chicago. D and I are old foodie friends, so we ate many delicious meals- Georgian, Polish, and Italian. We make great food partners because I´m willing to do all the cooking and he´s willing to bankroll the ingredients (and make the cocktails). The Italian meal was inspired by a cooking show episode he saw about Amalfi lemons, including a lemon pound cake and lemon pesto.

Unfortunately, at the end of the weekend, I started feeling ill. I managed to drive partway to a hotel that afternoon, and by the time I made it to my parents´ house the following day, I was testing positive for Covid. So I´ve spent the last week in my parents´ guest room. It has all turned out pretty well, in that I seem to have avoided infecting them, and my mom is the best caregiver ever. She makes delicious lunch trays and even includes extras like a cloth napkin or a little chocolate. I felt so lucky to bask in that love while I slept all week. I´m recovering, and I think I should be well enough to drive home tomorrow so I can discover exactly how overgrown my garden has become.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are recovering. We had our second bout when we came back from Alaska. For us it was much less severe the second time around.

de-I said...

Sorry to hear about getting infected, but with the world essentially saying we are going to live with it, seems to be the norm now.

alexis said...

that tray looks better than I've seen at many hotels! I've heard of so many round 2's of Covid.

Gill - UK said...

Good to hear you are recovering - and your mum looks after you really well.