Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Returning home // Regresar a casa

La versión en español está después de la versión en inglés.

My parents' visit ended with a week in Madrid. It started slowly because my father and I caught bad colds. However we managed to see a few museums and tourist places. My father had heard of a naval museum, and I was surprised that it contained far more than models of boats - they had maps, navigational instruments and paintings. Of course naval history is highly connected to the history of Spain because the empire extended across oceans.

Unfortunately, their return to the US was an ordeal. I left them at the airport at 8am, and 8 hours later, and after an hour of taxiing, the airline canceled their flight for mechanical problems. To begin with, they didn't receive a return flight. Later, customer service suggested a flight to Germany, followed by a flight to LA, and then one to Cleveland. This would have lasted 24 hours and my parents rejected it. They instead chose a trip to Chicago on the following day, but then they had to drive to Cleveland, which ended up taking more than 24 hours. It's really important to me that my parents can participate in my life here, and I am grateful that they put up with nonsense like this to visit me. 

(More below, with the pictures)

La visita de mis padres terminó en Madrid. Empezó lenta porque mi padre y yo estuvimos resfriados. Sin embargo, fuimos a algunos museos y lugares turísticos. Mi padre ha escuchado sobre el Museo Naval y me sorprende que no solo tiene modelos de barcos, sino mapas, instrumentos para la navegación y pinturas. Por supuesto, la historia de la marina es muy relevante en cuanto a la historia de España, básicamente porque su imperio se extendió por océanos.

Lamentablemente, su regreso a los Estados Unidos fue una odisea. Fueron al aeropuerto a las 8 por la mañana, y 8 horas después (y después de una hora de rodar), la aerolínea canceló el vuelo por problemas técnicos. Primero, no recibieron un vuelo de vuelta. Luego, un trabajador de la aerolínea sugirió un vuelo a Alemania, después a Los Ángeles y finalmente a Cleveland, que duraría solo 24 horas. Mis padres se negaron rotundamente a este plan, así que eligieron un vuelo a Chicago al día siguiente y condujeron hasta Cleveland. Es muy importante compartir mi vida aquí con mis padres y estoy agradecida de que hayan soportado tantas tonterías por visitarme.
The mineral Museum was in an incredible Victorian style building and my parents enjoyed it a lot. Unfortunately, I was too sick and spent the entire time resting on a bench, but I'll definitely return. 
El edificio del Museo Geominero fue impresionante y mis padres se divirtieron mucho. En cambio, yo estaba demasiado enferma y solo me senté en un banco por la visita, pero regresaré alguna vez.
Freezing in Portugal. This was the day I convinced my parents to splurge and go home in a taxi.
Un día nos congelamos en Portugal. Ese día convencí a mis padres de regresar a nuestra casa en taxi.
Asturias, in the north of Spain, is famous for its cider. It does not naturally have bubbles, so it is traditional to pour from a very high distance to create them. I need to practice, because the servers in the restaurants can do this from about 1.5 meters/ 5 ft away from the glass.
La Sidra es un producto famoso de Asturias, en el norte de España. No tiene burbujas naturales, por eso es una tradición verterlo desde gran altura para hacer burbujas.


de-I said...

Great they could visit. Unfortunate dealing with the air travel woes.

alexis said...

the highs were high and the lows were low. I'm shocked at how their return travel was treated. You don't hear such bad stories from the airlines so often. Which airline was it?

A's Mum said...

It looked so cold - the weather was surely unseasonal for Spain and Portugal.
But you didn't let that put you off making the most of the time you had together, with so many interesting places to visit.

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Alexis, it was United, but I remember my parents had a similar problem getting home from California on Spirit a few years ago. Sometimes air travel just doesn´t work well.

Gill, yes! It was really, really nice to see them.

adventures and misadventures abroad said...

So glad you were able to enjoy the visit. But why does someone have to get sick every time? Will they be visiting when the whether is nicer a little later?

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Aunt G, they are planning to return in November, when it is cold and rainy, but I still think that is better than visiting in August for the 40C heat!