Tuesday, July 09, 2024

One year in// Un año

La versión en español está después de la versión en inglés.

It's my one year anniversary in Spain, a good time to reflect. I left the US on July 4th, which was both symbolic and very convenient for tax purposes. So far, was it a good choice?

I am absolutely happy that I live here. Even if I decide later to return to the US, this was a great decision. I have always wanted to live in Europe, and I'm grateful that Spain gives me that opportunity. I'm also thrilled to be retired, which was easiest option to procure a visa. It's possible that I may work in the future, but retiring early made it possible to move to a new country when I was still young enough to cope with the challenges.

I feel healthier here. I have access to healthcare that is, quite frankly, rated higher than the healthcare in my own country. (Note: statistics like this are usually based on countrywide averages, not what a single individual might or might not receive.) The food seems less processed, and I am surrounded by people who think that taking strolls in the park is what you do everyday.

I also feel safer. This is one of the biggest reasons I wanted to move here. Assaults and murders happen at 1/10 of the rate in the US, which is really incredible to me when I think that the US is a country that some people flee to for safety. I can, and do, take walks in parks at night by myself, because little old ladies do that too. That's not something I ever felt comfortable doing at home.

What is still lacking? Basically, language and friends. It's taking me longer than I thought to become fluent. Even with my various serious efforts, I think I still need at least an additional year before I feel relaxed enough to have a conversation and focus on the content, rather than grammar and vocabulary. And while I have started making friends, I don't have anything close to what I left in DC. I knew that it would take more than a year to develop deep roots, but if there is anything that would eventually push me to leave, it would be not having enough friends.

So, I'm in a good spot. I need to keep doing what I've been doing, which is learning about the country and the language, and continuing to get to know people. I think it will pay off, but I also know it takes time.
My English friend L visited me last week. // Mi amiga L de Inglaterra, que me visitó la semana pasada.

Visits from family and old friends help me feel like my old life is connecting to my new life. L, plus friends from my language classes. // Siento que mi vida antigua y mi vida nueva están conectadas cuando me visitan familiares y viejos amigos. Aquí está mi amiga L con amigos de mis clases de español.


Cómo cumplo un año en España me parece que es un buen momento para reflexionar. Salí de los Estados Unidos el cuatro de julio, lo cual fue simbólico y bueno por razones fiscales. Hasta ahora, ¿he elegido lo correcto?

Para empezar, me hace absolutamente feliz vivir aquí. Siempre quise vivir en Europa y España me dio la oportunidad. Además, me encanta la prejubilación, lo cual fue clave para obtener un visado. Es posible que trabaje en el futuro, pero la prejubilación me ha permitido mudarme y afrontar los retos siendo aún más joven.

En primer lugar, y detallando algunos aspectos de mi experiencia, me siento más sana aquí. Tengo acceso a un sistema sanitario mejor que el de mi propio país. (En otras palabras, los españoles reciben de media una mejor atención que los estadounidenses). Asimismo, la comida me parece menos procesada y estoy rodeada de gente que piensa que los paseos por los parques son actividades cotidianas.

Del mismo modo, me siento más segura en España. Esa fue una de las razones más importantes para decidir mi traslado. Las agresiones y asesinatos ocurren 10 veces menos aquí que en EE. UU. Es increíble, porque sé que algunas personas se mudan a EE. UU porque están más seguras que en su propio país. Como ejemplo, paseo por los parques por la noche, porque las mayores también lo hacen. Antes me sentía cómoda haciéndolo.

¿Qué está faltando? A esto responden el idioma y los amigos. Me está llevando más tiempo de lo que pensaba aprender. Incluso con mucho trabajo diario, creo que necesito otro año para poder conversar sin pensar en la gramática y en mi vocabulario. Estoy haciendo amigos, sin embargo, no tengo ninguno como los que salí en Washington, DC. Sabía que necesitaría más de un año para afianzarme, pero si decido irme en el futuro, será por no tener suficientes amigos.

A fin de cuentas, me va bien. Tengo que seguir haciendo lo que he estado haciendo hasta ahora, aprender sobre el país, la gente y el idioma, y conocer a más gente. Creo que merecerá la pena, pero llevará tiempo.


de-I said...

Good reflections. Wife and I wish we had had the chance to try this at a younger age. It is clearly something one has to work at to make success. But remember, it took you a long time to get your German mastery, and a long time to build your friends network in the U.S. It seems to me you are totally on track to continue your transformation.

Anonymous said...

Thought provoking post. Not easy to grow new social roots but it sounds like you have had a good year. Look forward to hearing the next chapter!

alexis said...

wow a year already! It is heartening to see the progress you have made. When held against the yardstick of your former life where you had years to make friends and establish yourself, of course it will fall short. But as you said - it will take more time.

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Uncle, de-I:
I´m also sorry you didn´t get a chance to do this earlier, but you are a great model of how to reflect upon your life and decide what you want to change.

Yup, I´m pretty pleased. The only regret is not visitng my awesome and nearby cousin and her family more :)

A's Mum said...

You have such a positive attitude - I'm sure you will be able to make more friends, but you will have to give it time.