Monday, July 29, 2024

Waiting // Esperando

Here I am in Madrid, waiting. I don't have any plans to travel during July and August, because I have Spanish classes, but also because I'm waiting for my visa to renew. My first visa lasted a year, and then I have to renew it for two more years. My paralegal helped me submit everything in the middle of May, but I know that some people wait two weeks for the renewal and some people five months. Without the visa, I'm allowed to leave Spain but I'm not allowed to return. Hence, the waiting.

Here are a few quick summaries of recent adventures. (Look below the Spanish for the photos)


Estoy aquí en Madrid, esperando. No tengo planeado viajar durante julio y agosto porque tengo clases de español y estoy esperando la renovación de mi visado. Mi primer visado dura un año, y luego puedo renovarlo dos años más. Con la ayuda de mi gestor, presenté la solicitud a mediados de mayo. Sin embargo, he oído que algunas personas han necesitado esperar dos semanas, mientras otras lo han logrado en cinco meses. Sin visado, puedo salir de España, pero no puedo volver. Por eso me quedo aquí.

Así que aquí van algunos resúmenes rápidos de las aventuras recientes.

  • Last Thursday was a holiday, St James's Day, and I didn't have any classes. My friend A, who is Argentinian, had heard of this mysterious food called “mac and cheese” but had never tried it. I taught him how to make it. He was surprised that the recipe includes a lot more things than just cheese and pasta, and also at how much cheese I used. It was absolutely delicious and very American.
  • El jueves era festivo, el día de Santiago Apóstol, y no tenía clase de español. Mi amigo A, que es argentino, había oído hablar de los «macarrones con queso» pero nunca los había probado. Le enseñé a cocinarlos y se sorprendió de que fueran mucho más que macarrones con queso, y también de que llevaran tanto queso. Estaban especialmente deliciosos y eran muy americanos.  

  • My friend's S and S bought an apartment that needs a lot of renovations. They've hired professionals for most of it, but I was able to help paint the patio´s railing. It was delightful to be doing DIY again, and I got to enjoy the beautiful view.
  • Mis amigos S y S se han comprado un piso que necesita muchas reparaciones. Contratan a profesionales para numerosas tareas, pero yo pude ayudarles a pintar la barandilla de la terraza. Fue increíble participar en la reforma de la casa. Además, su terraza tiene unas vistas preciosas.
  • Spain won the recent Euro Cup, which is a soccer competition among national European teams. I watched a few of the games on TV, because I'm trying to learn more about the culture. In my opinion. soccer is better than American football or baseball, because the matches are shorter and it feels like there's a lot more action. The day after their win, there was a parade downtown. I was sad that I didn't remember to bring my Spanish flag to wave. (And my sympathies to all my English friends...)
  • España ganó la Eurocopa. He visto algunos partidos, porque quiero aprender más sobre la cultura de aquí. En mi opinión, el fútbol es mejor que el fútbol americano o el béisbol, porque los partidos son más cortos y hay más acción. El día posterior al campeonato hubo un desfile. Me puso triste haber olvidado mi bandera española.


Jack said...

Waiting is the hardest! But you seem to be having great walks,bike rides and visits with friends. How will you know when you get the visa?Is it going to be 1 year visa again? Is there a way to check on the progress of your application? ....... Oh and the mac and cheese recipe if you are willing to share. Sending love from the swamp Sue M

de-I said...

Wow, spreading the word on Mac & Cheese, a regular Janet Appleseed.

I'm sure the visa wait is very frustrating.

I am slightly overwhelmed that you (of all people) would actually be taking up following football. Sadly I can never be a Real Madrid fan. My heart belongs to FC Barcelona.

alexis said...

what is the deity that oversees issuance of European bureaucratic legal documentation ? I will make offerings!

A's Mum said...

Hope the visa comes in time for you to visit the USA before your classes start again.

I have no idea about what happens in American football games - I have too much difficulty in understanding the offside rule in English football - and the US game seems much more complicated.