H, a friend from high school asks me, "What's fall like in Madrid? Does it rain a lot?"
The temperatures in Madrid is not that different than Washington, DC. The fall days are cool but not cold, highs of 5-18C (40-65F) with big temperature swings. The climate in Madrid is very dry, especially in summer, but we normally have quite a bit of rain in spring and fall. It almost never snows here, although you get snow in the nearby mountains.
H also asks me, "Are Christmas traditions different there?"
There are a lot of traditions in Spain that don't exist in the US. I won't talk about Uncle Christmas log, who produces gifts, because it's not from this part of the country. (But read about it, it's really unsusual!) There are Christmas trees, but they are almost always artificial, and lots of people don´t have them in their homes. You eat special foods like turron or roasted chestnuts. Companies also give Christmas baskets to their employees, and, in fact, these was recognized as a legal right for employees in 2019. The lights downtown are specially pretty and a lot of people come from all over the country to see them. The biggest difference is that Three Kings Day is usually or actually more important than Christmas, and that's when you receive most of the gifts and have more celebrations.
My cousin A asks me, "What are you looking forward to this winter, your second in Spain?"
I really enjoyed the Christmas lights downtown last year. I went to see them last year, but the crowds were, quite frankly, astounding and it almost two hours on the bus to get downtown, in a very packed public bus. This year I'm hoping to avoid some of that by going on a Monday or a Tuesday instead of the weekend.
H, una amiga del instituto, me preguntó: «¿Cómo es el otoño en Madrid? ¿Llueve mucho?»
Las temperaturas en Madrid son casi iguales a las de Washington, DC. En ambas ciudades, hay unos días en otoño con temperaturas máximas de 17 ºC o 5 ºC, porque hay cambios frecuentes. El clima en Madrid es seco, sobre todo en verano, pero normalmente llueve mucho en otoño y primavera. Aquí casi nunca nieva, pero sí hay nieve en las montañas cercanas.
H me preguntó también «¿Qué tradiciones son diferentes durante la Navidad en España?»
Hay muchas tradiciones en España que no existen en los Estado Unidos. No voy a hablar del Tió de Nadal ni tradiciones similares, porque no son típicas de Madrid. (¡Pero leed sobre eso, es interesante!) Hay árboles de Navidad, pero casi siempre son artificiales. La gente da regalos y come alimentos como el turrón o las castañas tostadas. Las empresas dan cestas de Navidad a sus empleados, y, de hecho, es un derecho reconocido desde 2019. Las luces del centro de Madrid son especialmente bonitas y deslumbrantes - mucha gente viaja hasta aquí para verlas. Además, el Día de los Reyes Magos es más importante que la Navidad.
Mi prima A me preguntó: «¿Qué esperas con ilusión de tu segundo invierno en España?»
Me gustan las luces navideñas del centro de la ciudad. Las vi el año pasado, pero la multitud de gente fue abrumadora y me llevó mucho más tiempo llegar y salir de la ciudad. Este año espero evitar aglomeraciones yendo un lunes o martes, en lugar del fin de semana.
I will be curious to hear the crowd difference in visiting early in the week versus the weekend
Looks like a lot to look forward too! Especially the warm roasted chestnuts. I really miss eating those
oh man I loved the chestnuts. I know I could make them here but it's not quite the same to have to do it myself
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