Tuesday, January 28, 2025

2024 numbers // Números de 2024

  • 1600 km cycling (994 miles)
  • 105 km walking per month, average (65 miles)
  • 6 counties visited: US, Czechia, Germany, Portugal, Denmark, Sweden
  • 38 books read: 30 in English, 1 in German, 7 in Spanish
Because I hang out with a nerdy crowd, I know lots of people that track all kinds of things in their life. For example, people count how many hours they spent outside in the previous year, or how many tacos they eat each month. I don't track that much, but, conveniently, my smartwatch, Google, and the library had some numbers for me, and they happen to be the ones that helped me see how I did on my goals for the last year.

Last January, I decided I wanted to exercise more. Mainly that meant walking, because at that time I did not have a bicycle. Once I bought a bike, I trained for my cycling vacation, then set a goal of two rides per week, which I have mostly maintained, along with regular extra walks.

I don't usually bother having reading goals, mainly because I read lots without much effort. I probably read less than usual this year since I was trying to focus more on Spanish learning. To that end, I'm pleased that I managed one German book and seven Spanish books. Ideally, I'd like to double those numbers for German and Spanish next year.

  • 1600 km (994 millas) recorridos en bici
  • 105 km (65 millas) a pie cada mes, de promedio
  • 6 países visitados: EE.UU., Chequia, Alemania, Portugal, Dinamarca y Suecia
  • 38 libros leidos: 30 en inglés, 1 en alemán y 7 en español
Como paso tiempo con muchos frikis, conozco a mucha gente que realiza un seguimiento de sus actividades. Por ejemplo, las personas cuentan cuántas horas pasaron al aire libre durante el año pasado o cuántos tacos consumieron cada mes. A mí no me importa contar muchas cosas, pero lo hago con mi reloj inteligente. También Google y la biblioteca tenían números sobre mis actividades. Con esos datos puedo entender mi éxito hacia algunos objetivos de 2024.

En enero pasado quería hacer más ejercicio. Para empezar, eso significaba dar paseos. Luego compré una bicicleta para practicar antes de unas vacaciones en bicicleta y después propuse como meta hacer dos paseos en bicicleta por semana. Lo conseguí en gran medida, y seguí caminando también.

Normalmente, no tengo metas de lectura porque leo muchísimo y sin esfuerzo. En 2024, leí menos porque me enfoqué en aprender español. Por esta razón, estoy contenta de haber leído un libro en alemán y siete libros en español; como propósito principal, quiero duplicar esos números en 2025.


Sue said...

Super, you’re my hero. Keep up the good work.

de-I said...

I don't think I count anything. When I was in my full-time work phase, I was all into metrics. Now, not so much.

alexis said...

oh my goodness, doubling sounds ambitious! But I can imagine you've looked at the numbers that make that feasible

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Alexis, well, I eyeballed it and said, "Fourteen sounds doable, right?" And I really want to get better at Spanish...

Annette said...

I'm impressed, my goal this year is 36 books.