Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Independence Day

Tomorrow is the Fourth of July, and my husband and I will be celebrating our independence, along with the nation. For the first time in (eep!) nineteen years, I am debt free. Between us, we have two Bachelor's, one Master's, and two Ph.D.'s degrees. We also had a bunch of student loans.* As of yesterday, we have paid off the very last one. Now, back to your regularly scheduled picnics and fireworks.

*Public Service Announcement: PhDs in the hard sciences do not cost money, they pay you money. You do lose potential earnings while you study, but in the US, the norm is that science graduate students receive tuition benefits, health insurance, and a modest salary. If your child is considering graduate school in art history vs. chemistry, tell her this! I did not know this vital piece of information when making a career choice, and I was lucky I didn't choose history.


alexis said...

Congrats!!!! Sadly debt free is a big achievement in the US these days.

Bernice said...

I am proud of both of you. That is a great accomplishment (the degrees and paying off the loans.

de-I said...

Definitely a good place where you and Andrew can build from.

Pulisha said...

Congratulations! That is an amazing achievement!!