Saturday, August 10, 2013

Here, now

I don't really know how to begin my blog again, so I'll just try my best, which is how I'm going through my life right now anyway.

Everyone wants to know how Andrew died. I think this is a way of trying to make sense of what was a very sudden death of a young healthy person. The short answer is that he tripped while jogging. I wasn't with him but he was able to call me, and I call the paramedics. When I got to him, he seemed to be in a lot of pain, and I thought he had broken some ribs. In fact, he had suffered an aneurysm and died less than two hours after the fall, in spite of speedy and excellent emergency care.

The longer answer, and the reason he died from a simple fall, is that he suffered from Marfan syndrome. This is a disease of the connective tissues, and affects all parts of the body. People who have it frequently die at a very young age, and it not unusual that the first sign of the disease in an aneurysm. We never knew that he had this disorder, and in fact never suffered from any of the pain or other symptoms. I am quite confident that he felt healthy and strong during his whole life until that very morning, and I comforted by the fact that he was able to live fully while he was alive.

There's more to say, about how I'm doing, and how many friends and family have supported me in the last two weeks, but that's enough for now.


alexis said...

oh RM, we are thinking about you all the time and wish we could be there in person. Thank you for sharing the details.

Anonymous said...

Sending you lots of hugs.

- Heidi

adventures and misadventures abroad said...

Thinking of you every day. So glad your parents can stay and help you through the legal maze as well as the emotional ups and downs.
Love, Aunt Gloria

Gill - UK said...

In our grief we too find comfort that Andrew lived life to the full and was so very happy to be your husband.

de-I said...

You are very brave to be going out to the world so soon but I think you are doing the right thing and this will only help the process.

There are those people who are so sweet and special but we are doomed to only have them in our world for a short period. Andrew was one of those and we were all much better off for having been able to be with him.