Tuesday, May 27, 2014

On my day off

This is what 60 pounds of strawberries looks like. Perhaps, when your friend says, "Let's go pick some strawberries on your day off", it would be good if you helped her have some restraint.
Then, when you say in return, "Will you help me put a quarter-cubic yard of compost in my back seat?" she may return the favor and help you have some restraint.
Alas, neither of us was very restrained. The result is three batches of jam, many gallons of fresh-frozen strawberries, and a car-ful of compost that hasn't yet been unloaded. 


de-I said...

Strawberries sound very appetizing

Compost left in car. Not so much.

Gill - UK said...

Nothing by halves!
I have plenty of green strawberries on my plants and unless the weather improves I shall be having to look out some recipes for green strawberries.

alexis said...

LOL - I can totally relate to the strawberry OD, though my poison is apples (only thing you can pick around here).

Pulisha said...

That's amazing! We went strawberry picking last weekend and only got 20lb. Remind me to invite you along on our next trip! ;)