Monday, February 19, 2018


When I was planning my trip to Albuquerque, I told my aunt and uncle that my primary goal was to spend time with them, but secondary goals were to eat (excellent food, including green chile), drink (especially red wine), and walk outside (but not excessively).

I am pleased to report that we have succeeded spectacularly. I went walking in the hills both days, and have drunk a very good bottle of old red wine and coffee brewed two different ways. We have feasted on homemade pasta and omlettes. And tonight we finish with homemade French bread, cheese, and gelato.

I'm going to have to eat a lot of salads when I get home to make up for all of this.


de-I said...

The pleasure has been ours! We feel a deep sense of gratitude to be able to reinforce the propensity to gluttony.

Gill - UK said...

What a great way to spend a holiday - lots of good memories as well as good food and drink.

alexis said...

I was glad we got to chat!! I would like to hear how the bagette turned out.