Monday, March 19, 2018

Observations from a sickbed

     I haven't posted in three weeks because I kept hoping something interesting would happen. Alas, I lead a prosaic life. I got sick AGAIN. I just got over what I thought was the flu (in spite of the vaccine) in February, and less than a month later, here I am again. I won't bore you to death with lots of details, but I haven't been this sick in years. I've had a fever for six days. In fact, I couldn't even walk downstairs and make breakfast without stopping to rest once or twice, and I gave up completely on unimportant things like bathing or walking the dog. I think it was that final item that really got my mother's sympathies - when she heard I was sick, she packed up and drove eight hours the next day to take care of me. And let me tell you, you are never too old to disdain a mother's ministrations.
     She's still here, and today she has managed to walk the dog, buy me groceries, and plant peas in my garden. Right now she's making me dinner. I feel really lucky.


de-I said...

Aww, poor baby. Hope you feel better soon dear. Mom is areal hero!

adventures and misadventures abroad said...

So sorry you are not feeling well. It does seem like once something goes wrong it starts a snowball of similar things happening. Get better soon and don't let Mom catch it!

alexis said...

OMG, best mom ever! I wonder if my parents are taking note... :D

Gill - UK said...

You have a mum to treasure.