Sunday, May 24, 2020

How my garden grows

I would like to go back in time to 2019 me and sincerely thank you her. All that backbreaking labor of tilling and hauling compost (and planting and weeding) has produced, in just one year, a beautiful cottage garden. There is something blooming from April until October, and I even managed to sneak in some color over the winter by planting pansies.
Although I went a bit overbudget last year, I don't think I'll need to spend much, if any, in future years. Even now, only one year in, some of the plants had grown so big that I could divide them to fill in gaps in the garden. Also, I'm continuing my policy of allowing unidentified plants to grow, while carefully monitoring them before they produced seeds. Last year that resulted in the hallucinogenic jimsonweed, which I destroyed before it caused problems. This year it has resulted in the lovely, purple-flowered "doubtful knight's spur." I'm not sure why the knight was so doubtful. Here it is, with the French hollyhocks in the background.
These bright yellow and orange flowers are called calendulas, which are often confused with marigolds (but should not be because one is edible and one not so much).
Next month I'll have pictures of the vegetable garden, but since I'm only at the planting stage, the pictures would just show carefully weeded and watered dirt.


adventures and misadventures abroad said...

Lovely garden!

Tricia K-P said...

so lovely! well done!

alexis said...

Cheers to such fruits (pun intended) bearing in just one year! However I am particularly looking forward to pictures of the vegetable garden since my gardening generally resembles watered dirt.

A's Mum said...

Beautiful garden - so welcoming to walk to your front door through a feast of colour.

de-I said...

Add my kudos to the rest!